NEIGHBORS ARE coming together To Protect Flanders Mansion and The Mission Trail Nature Preserve


A proposal is under consideration to convert Flanders Mansion into a nonprofit and commercial venture where an individual and his family will live, run their business, and host frequent events right in the heart of our beloved Mission Trail Nature Preserve.

If approved, this proposal will:

  • Turn Flanders into an ‘event destination’ that regularly hosts groups up to 99 people

  • Increase the volume of car traffic and parking significantly on roads surrounding the Mission Trail Nature Preserve

  • Disrupt the peace and quiet of our neighborhood

  • Allow one family to live “indefinitely” in the mansion and run the family video business from the premises

friends for flanders plan is different

Friends For Flanders Has An Alternative Plan With Far Less Impact On Our Neighborhood, Which Would:

  • Avoid the necessity for a parking lot and fencing, thereby protecting the integrity and safety of the neighborhood and the Preserve’s natural habitat and trails

  • Minimize the danger and disruption caused by extra traffic on our roads for pedestrians and drivers

  • Reduce the noise pollution disturbance in our neighborhood from frequent gatherings

Our Plan Benefits the Community by:

  • Renovating and preserving Flanders Mansion and providing ongoing care and maintenance

  • Conserving the natural beauty of the Mission Trail Nature Preserve’s 34 acres of trails, widely enjoyed by hikers, dog walkers, families, and birders, and protecting its unique wildlife habitats (including protected species)

  • Maintaining the walkability and safety of the Mission Trail Nature Preserve trails, including removing dangerous fire fuel from the parkland that protects neighboring properties

  • Providing an ongoing, educational caretaker fellowship program for Flanders and the Mission Trail Nature Preserve 

  • Securing a long-term (99-year) lease for Flanders Mansion as a low-impact residence to allow for tax-deductible local funding

  • Empowering neighbors to participate in funding and caring for a community treasure while removing the ongoing burden of responsibility and maintenance from the City and its elected officials